Mr Kgosi Mpuang
Acting Dean, Faculty of Law & Para-legal Studies
The Faculty of Law & Para-legal Studies at BA ISAGO University is particularly mindful of the compelling need to produce a range of legally equipped personnel, who will not only be endowed with theoretical legal knowledge and skills,but,in addition, who will also have been provided with practical skills so as to ensure their maximum fitness for purpose and readiness for the market and industry as soon as possible following their completion of studies.
Although a relatively new faculty, the feedback and responses from the market attest to the practical strength of our products and have affirmed the correctness of our chosen direction. Our continuing programme development activities continue to be informed by market demands and industry experience. As a Faculty, we are also aware of the challenges which the legal profession faces in an increasingly globalized world, which also entails re-examination of learning infrastructure, review of curricular and the provision of niche or specialist undergraduate and post-graduate programmes to cater for modern and increasingly complex demands.
We strive to continue to remain relevant and ensure that current and future generations of students continue to receive the most up-to-date and informative teaching methodologies available in this exciting field. This Faculty offers programmes which still provide students with numerous prospects and opportunities in the Judicial System, Law Enforcement and the Legal Fraternity in general. We welcome you to BA ISAGO University.
Our Programmes
Manage the development, evaluation and maintenance of policy, programmes and systems for Early Childhood Development in the reception years. Develop, evaluate and maintain an accreditation system for providers and trainers. Develop and maintain policy concerning programmes, qualifications and assessment for Early Childhood Development.
Certificate in Law (CIL) | Certificate in Court Administration (CCA) | Diploma in Court Administration | Diploma in Law | Bachelor of Arts in Law and Public Administration|Â